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Limnology and Paleoenvironmental Research Group
Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
York University, Toronto, ON, Canada

Principal Investigators:
Dr. Jennifer Korosi
Associate Professor
Office: 242 Health, Nursing and Environmental Studies Building
Lab: 047 Farquharson Building
Phone Number: 1-416-736-2100 ext. 22491

Dr. Joshua Thienpont
Assistant Professor
Office: 241 Health, Nursing and Environmental Studies Building
Lab: 047 Farquharson Building
Phone Number: 1-416-736-2100 ext. 22002

PhD Students:
Kristen Coleman
Trajectories and drivers of limnological change in lakes near the southern limit of permafrost

Navjot Dhaliwal
Research interests: Knowledge braiding; Ecosystem Approach; Indigenous knowledge; Critical Systems Thinking; Boundary Science; Political Approaches; Political Geography; Resource Management; Indigenous-led Conservation
Rebecca Gasman
Cyanobacteria blooms in oligotrophic lakes of south-central Ontario and the Northwest Territories

Grace Hoskin
Environmental change in lakes of the Northwest Territories related to thermokarst processes

Amanda Little
Seasons of change: The influence of seasonality and climate change on arsenic toxicity to plankton communities in mining-impacted lakes near Yellowknife (Northwest Territories, Canada)

MSc Students:
Randelle Cheyanna Adano
Invertebrate indicators of recent environmental change in Lake Nipigon, northern Ontario

Victoria Carroll
Impacts of cryogenic landslides on foothill lakes in the Mackenzie Delta (Northwest Territories)

Sorin-Alexandru Gruia
Paleolimnological study of a lake in the Mackenzie Delta region with a highly active thaw slump
Claire O'Hagan
Assessing the impacts of recent, intense permafrost thaw slumping on lakes in the Mackenzie Delta uplands, Northwest Territories, Canada

Rachel Pellegrino
Assessing recent environmental changes in Lake Nipigon (NW Ontario, Canada) using siliceous paleolimnological subfossils

Charlie West
Paleolimnological study of phytoplankton community responses to climate warming and permafrost thaw slumping in lakes in the Mackenzie Delta region

Thomas Wu
Long-term ecological change in the Łue Túé Sųĺai (Five Fish Lakes) region of the Dehcho, NWT

Undergraduate Students:
Altrisha Rodrigues
Phantom midges as bioindicators of legacy arsenic ecotoxicity in Yellowknife (Northwest Territories) lakes impacted by historic gold mining operations

Vesta Tajik
Reconstructing environmental change in Lake Nipigon using a paleolimnological approach

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